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세미나 목록
번호 [지역]제목 기간 첨부 조회수
17 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] ICINSE KIEV 2018-09-07 ~ 2018-09-10 - 6473
16 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 7th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2018-08-28 ~ 2018-08-31 - 6596
15 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 2nd International Young Scientists Conference on Biodiversity and Wildlife Conservation Ecological Issues 2018-10-05 ~ 2018-10-07 - 6289
14 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] Translation Forum Russia 2018 2018-08-24 ~ 2018-08-26 - 6455
13 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences 2018-06-23 ~ 2018-06-24 - 6607
12 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 문재인 정부의 대외정책 과제와 추진전략: 동북아플러스책임공동체와 한반도 신경제구상을 중심으로 2018-05-21 ~ 2018-05-21 5705
11 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 6-th International research and practice conference «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» 2018-08-27 ~ 2018-08-30 - 6288
10 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] SPE Workshop Hard-to-Recover Reserves 2018-04-24 ~ 2018-04-26 - 6774
9 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 2018 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2018)--IEEE, Ei Compendex & Scopus 2018-06-25 ~ 2018-06-27 - 6648
8 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] VI International Scientific Conference “Space, Society, Politics” 2018-06-21 ~ 2018-06-23 - 6440
7 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 북핵위기와 정상회담: 아시아 각 국의 시각 2018-04-09 ~ 2018-04-09 - 6333
6 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 2018 4th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies (ICFET 2018) 2018-06-25 ~ 2018-06-27 - 6710
5 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] KEM--2018 The 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Technologies (ICSMT 2018)--Ei Compendex & Scopus 2018-06-21 ~ 2018-06-23 - 6682
4 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] ‘북방정책 2.0 시대, 평화와 번영의 북방경제협력공동체 건설’ 국제세미나 개최 2018-03-19 ~ 2018-03-20 5608
3 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] II. International Congress on Cultural Heritage and Tourism 2018-05-03 ~ 2018-05-05 - 6750
2 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] International scientific conference "Society, State and Church in the spectrum of interdisciplinary research" 2018-06-01 ~ 2018-06-02 - 6413
1 [러시아ㆍ유라시아] 14-th Russian/CIS/Baltic/Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity RCBJSF2018 2018-05-14 ~ 2018-05-18 - 6914