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비즈니스 정보

비즈니스 정보

중국 진출에 도움이 되는 비즈니스 컨설팅 자료와 업종 별 최신 시장 동향 분석 및 틈새시장 정보 자료를 제공합니다.

Estimating the impact of monetary policy on inequality in China




The paper estimates the impact of monetary policy on income inequality in China. The em-pirical modelling finds that a battery of monetary indicators, including a monetary overhang measure derived from a money demand equation, and the change in the unemployment rate lead to increases in the Gini coefficient. However, only unemployment is statistically signif-icant. The lack of significance of the monetary indicators is robust to alternative specifica-tions with variability in nominal aggregate demand instead of unemployment.





1 Introduction 

2 Monetary policy indicators

3 Estimating the impact of monetary policy on income inequality in China 



Figures and table


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