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비즈니스 정보

비즈니스 정보

중국 진출에 도움이 되는 비즈니스 컨설팅 자료와 업종 별 최신 시장 동향 분석 및 틈새시장 정보 자료를 제공합니다.

Asia-Pacific Integration with China vs. the United States: Examining trade patterns under heterogeneous agricultural sectors




This article compares the effects on global agricultural trade patterns of Asia-Pacific regional economic integration led by the United States versus that by China. Our analysis employs a Eaton-Kortum type model in which agricultural producers have access to technology with heterogeneous productivity. Unlike the standard Eaton-Kortum model, product specific-productivity is linked to a country’s land and climate characteristics and trade costs are product-specific. We derive a structural relationship between the probability a country has comparative advantage in a given export market for an individual agricultural product and the bilateral costs of trading that product controlling for the product-specific unit costs of production from a general equilibrium framework. We specify the relationship as a random coefficients logit model to estimate a country-specific distribution of trade costs and productivity across agricultural products. We use these estimated distributions to explore the set of bilateral relationships from which Asia-Pacific integration is likely to generate the largest shifts in agricultural trade patterns.


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