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[환경] Assessing the effect of industrial products on air pollution in Iran: a novel NDEA approach considering undesirable outputs

이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Environment, Development and Sustainability 발간일 : 2024-06-18 등록일 : 2024-07-05 원문링크

With the intensification of economic development, environmental pollution has increased over time, especially in developing countries such as Iran, China, and India, and its threat has become more serious. The dramatic increase in the use of various machines, both industrial and non-industrial, and the gases released by industrial factories in exchange for using fossil fuels, and the reduction of rainfall is leading to the production of toxic gases. Therefore, in order to improve environmental and economic sustainability, it is necessary to scientifically assess environmental efficiency in each country and provide solutions. Therefore, in this research, the environmental efficiency criterion based on the network data envelopment analysis model was designed using a two-stage chain model in which some outputs are undesirable and others are desirable. In this regard, the black box efficiency model of environmental quality is first extended to basic and general two-stage structures. Depending on the nature of the network structure, the end products were considered undesirable and some of the factors with zero data were entered into the proposed models. Second, the proposed models were used to evaluate the environmental efficiency in Iran, and 20 Iranian metropolitan provinces were selected for assessment. Finally, the efficient and inefficient provinces have been identified in each sub-sector, and their ranking has been done according to the efficiency rate. The results of the proposed models showed that of the 20 provinces, Isfahan, Khuzestan, Tehran, East Azarbaijan, and Alborz have the worst climate and air pollution situations. On the other hand, Kurdistan, Hamedan, Markazi, Lorestan, and Qazvin have the best air quality among other cities. To reduce air pollution, there must be adequate plans to improve public transportation infrastructure and introduce air pollution control systems, which could include stricter control of factories that do not meet or exceed acceptable levels of pollutants in the surrounding atmosphere. the supply of cars based on electricity or with the lowest amount of fossil fuel consumption, implementation of precise monitoring plans for cars on fuel consumption, the use of filters for manufacturing plants in the industrial sector, and careful monitoring of its implementation during all hours that they are active and increase the cost of polluting the air by imposing taxes and heavy penalties on the amount of pollution emission and payment of subsidies to pollution-reducing units in a certain period are some solutions to reduce air pollution.

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