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[환경] Environmental impact assessment in Iran after its accession to the Shanghai cooperation organization: panel FMOLS analysis in two different income groups

이란 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 발간일 : 2024-06-18 등록일 : 2024-07-05 원문링크

The global efforts of deal with the climate change and global warming are underway across the goal. The countries and national governments are exploring the possible ways through bilateral and multilateral collaborations to achieve the objectives set in the Paris agreement and sustainable development goals agenda. In this regard, regional cooperation organizations got to play pivotal role in promoting environmental sustainability. Recently, Iran has got the member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is important to explore how the membership of Iran to this regional cooperation organization would be beneficial for Iran to deal with climate change and global warming. This study mainly aims to analyze the change in carbon emissions and environmental quality after Iran's accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. These changes have been examined in relation to macroeconomic variables such as income, energy consumption, and FDI. In this regard, the panel data for 9 selected countries for the period of were used. The study used Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares based on the type of data properties. The results of the study showed that after Iran's accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, carbon emissions of the country would be reduced by 33% in total. However, this amount would be 1.5% among higher-income countries in the panel. Energy consumption, in both cases, after accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization causes more carbon emissions. The foreign investment variable, after Iran's membership, would help in reducing carbon emissions in the economy. In this regard, it is suggested that the Iranian government should try to become a member of the organization join regional community to improve the quality of the environment. The joint and collaborative efforts to combat climate change would add to the productive efforts for mitigation and adaptation of climate change on multi-country scale.

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