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[기업] Improving Egypt’s business climate to revive private sector growth

이집트 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - OECD 발간일 : 2024-07-16 등록일 : 2024-08-09 원문링크

Weak productivity in Egypt is rooted in deep-seated structural causes that impede market competition and prevent a more efficient resource allocation. This implies a number of challenges for economic policy to meet the objectives for long-term sustainable growth as set out in the National Structural Reform Programme, but the government is determined to tackle the issues, and is committed to increase the role of the private sector. Market mechanisms such as business entry and exit, and growth of the most efficient firms, appear to be weaker than in many similar emerging markets. Recent reforms have started to tackle heavy regulatory burdens and barriers that hinder market entry and encourage informality and should be pursued, while the judiciary system still requires improvement. Competition from abroad, and the attraction of foreign direct investment are hampered by trade barriers, implying that Egypt does not fully benefit from global value-chains and spillovers of technology and knowledge that would help lift productivity. The way state-owned companies are operating across a several sectors prevents private businesses from competing on a level playing field, although the government has recently started to take steps to level the playing field for all firms. Moreover, many businesses still face difficulties in accessing finance, as banks overwhelmingly prefer to lend to the government. Enhancing access to finance and improving digitalisation would contribute to a more competitive environment, lifting business sector growth.

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