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[교육] How to defend science in Argentina and beyond: a view from Chile

아르헨티나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Tapuya: Latin America Science, Technology, and Society 발간일 : 2024-08-22 등록일 : 2024-09-12 원문링크

It is inevitable to adhere to the words of Hebe Vessuri, when she expresses that “In this whirlwind, we are once again, as Monteiro was some time ago, concerned with science and scientists as members of the social body” (Citation2024, 2). The intention of this distinguished renowned voice of STS studies is to draw attention to the morphology of the whirlwind and the reasons for the concern. The whirlwind is Javier Milei and, more generally, the libertarian right in Latin America. The current concern, although not new, is the subsistence and development of the scientific community in the precarious democracies of our region, usually denigrated financially by the government in office.

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