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[환경] First national mapping of cadmium in cacao beans in Colombia

콜롬비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Science of the Total Environment 발간일 : 2024-09-24 등록일 : 2024-10-04 원문링크

Cacao crops in Colombia play a fundamental role in its economy. Cacao bean exports have a rising tendency due to increased area and production. However, cadmium (Cd) in cacao beans has affected market in Colombia. The aim of this study is to assess Cd distribution hotspots for cacao beans, Cd in beans and soil relationships, geological ages and soil chemical parameters, overall Cd dynamics, soil-to-plant translocation, and EU regulation impacts on Cd presence in Colombian cacao production. A hot and cold spot analysis combined with a cluster and outlier analysis was used to build the geographic Cd distribution in cacao beans in Colombia. Cadmium in the subsurface and the relationship with Cd in the soil surface of cacao farms were analysed using the geoaccumulation index (Igeo). The bioconcentration factor (BCF) and soil chemical features in cacao beans were quantified. Positive correlations were observed within all the studied variables except for Mn and Fe. The highest correlation was observed within Ca, pH, and Cd in soil. The Valanginian-Albian and Albian-Maastrichtian geological ages are directly related to Cd in beans, Zn, P, soil Cd, and Fe. Regions with the highest cacao productivity and export registered an average Cd concentration in beans of 2.39_ ± _2.82 mg kg−1. Two municipalities in Santander were ‘partially contaminated’ according to Igeo. The BCF was not directly proportional to soil and bean Cd level and did not fully coincide with hot spots. This evidence reinforces the idea that even areas with apparently low Cd levels may register a latent problem associated with genetic/ontogenetic, climatic, or management factors. This first distribution map of Cd in cacao beans constitutes a tool to implement actions to minimize risks and face challenges posed by the imposed regulations that may limit raw cacao bean exports in Colombia.

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