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이름 정승철
소속/직책 제주평화연구원 부연구위원
전문분야 미중관계
학력 한양대학교 역사/정치외교 학사
University of Florida International Relations 석사
University of Florida Political Science 박사


2019.07~ 2020.05. 한양대평화연구소 박사후연구원

2020.05.06 ~ 현재(2023.09 기준) 제주평화연구원 부연구위원

[주요저서 및 논문]

Chung, Alec. 2023. “China–DPRK Relations, China’s Rise, and DPRK Aggressions toward the ROK–U.S., 1990–2021.” Asian Survey 63(5): 797-822.

Chung, Alec. 2023. “A Power Distribution Shift between the ROK–U.S. and China–DPRK Blocs and Its Impact on Inter-Korean Relations, 1990–2021.” Korean Journal of Defense Analysis 35(2): 209-230.

정승철. 2023. “한미·북미관계가 남북관계에 미치는 영향 연구: 빅데이터를 이용한 통계분석.” 국제·지역연구 제32권 1호: 41-75. 

Chung, Alec. 2022. “Factors Weakening the Strength and Solidarity of ROK-US Alliance Necessary to Deter DPRK’s Provocations.” Korean Journal of International Studies 20(2): 301-334.

정승철∙박정훈. 2022. “한국인의 친미(반미) 감정과 민주주의에 대한 태도 간의 상관관계 연구.” 현대정치연구 제15권 1호: 73-111. 

Chung, Alec. 2022. “Does the Perception of the US Affect Asians’ Attitudes Toward Chinese Investments? An Empirical Analysis Using Survey Data.” The Journal of International Relations 25(1): 29-66.

Chung, Alec (with Ki Eun Ryu). 2022. “The Impact of US and China on ROK-DPRK Relations, 1993-2019: An Empirical Analysis using Event Data.” Asian Survey 62(3): 413-440.

Chung, Alec. 2021. “The Determinants of China-ROK Relations, 1993-2018: An Empirical Analysis Using Event Data. Journal of Asian and African Studies 56(4): 721-753. 

Chung, Alec (with Jung Wook Son and Hojun Lee). 2021. “The Effect of Partisan Identity on Individual’s Economic and Political Attitudes: An Empirical Analysis on the South Korean Case.” Korea Observer 52(2): 181-210.

Chung, Alec. 2020. “Who Supports the US-led Global Order? An Empirical Analysis Using Survey Data.” Korean Journal of International Studies 18(3): 169-195.

정승철. 2019. “안보화, 인간안보, 그리고 한국: 한국인들이 일상에서 느끼는 위협에 대한 경험적 연구.” 문화와 정치 제6권 3호: 39-76. 

Chung, Alec. 2019. “Effects of International Trade on East and Southeast Asians’ Views of China” Korean Journal of International Studies, 17(2): 159-187.

Chung, Alec. 2017. “Economic interest or security concerns? Which affected how individuals in five Asian countries—Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and South Korea—viewed China in 2013?”  Asian Journal of Political Science, 25(1): 1-24.

Chung, Alec. 2015. “Effects of Trade Relations on South Korean Views of China.”  Asian Politics & Policy, 7(4): 597-621.
