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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.
ASEAN's FTA with the People's Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea
Gemma Estrada, Donghyun Park, Innwon Park, and Soonchan Park ADB 2011-03-31
양진수, 이준호, 곽태윤, 이연주 한국자동차산업연구소 2011-03-31
Innovation Networks in China, Japan, and Korea: Evidence from Japanese Patent Data
Ikuo KUROIWA, Kaoru NABESHIMA, Kiyoyasu TANAKA JETRO 2011-03-30
王砚峰, 曹帅 IWEP 2011-03-30
Yuqing Xing ADBI 2011-03-29
대한상공회의소 대한상공회의소 2011-03-28
The Effects of Public Listing on the Performance of Banks in China
Bin Liu HKIMR 2011-03-28
박종국 한국수출입은행 2011-03-28
Impacts of China’s growth on the Brazilian trade
Ferrari, Tatiana; Biage, Milton and Da Silva, Sergio MPRA 2011-03-24
Richard W. Carney ADBI 2011-03-23