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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


A Proposal to Lower Non-Tariff Barriers between China-Japan-Korea

CHOI Bo-Young, BANG Ho Kyung, LEE Boram, YOO Saebyul 2016-06-22


Under the GATT and WTO regimes, the level of tariff rates has gradually declined while non-tariff measures have become more prevalent worldwide. Among many types of non-tariff measures, the number of TBT and SPS measures implemented increased substantially during the global financial crisis, implying that countries around the world are employing more subtle measures to protect their domestic economy. Harmonizing TBT/SPS related regulations between countries is important in eliminating the unnecessary barriers to trade.
In this aspect, this study focuses on the current status of non-tariff measures, especially on TBT and SPS measures, in China, Japan, and Korea and proposes to utilize the existing Pan-Yellow Sea Rim Economy and Technology Exchange Meeting to discuss (a) harmonization of standards, (b) mutual recognition of conformity assessment, and (c) enhancement of transparency issues to lower the regulatory barriers relevant to TBT and SPS measures.  ​

게시글 이동
이전글 해외영화주간동향보고(6월 3주) 2016-06-22
다음글 Next Generation Wind and Solar Power 2016-06-22
