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Review Achievements Problems: A 70-Year History of the Development of Compulsory Education for the Disabled in China

Zhenzhou Wang 2020-04-07

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the reform and development of China’s compulsory education for the disabled have gone through the following stages during 70years, there are: Pioneering development of China’s compulsory education for the disabled (1949-1978); Constructive development of compulsory education for the disabled in China (1979-2011); Transforming and upgrading China’s compulsory education for the disabled (2012-2019). There were full of twists and turns, but at each stage there was remarkable progress. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China’s compulsory education for the disabled has developed rapidly. Significant increase in compulsory education enrollment for persons with disabilities. However, the development of compulsory education for the disabled exists some problems, such as unbalanced development and low quality of education.
