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The Effect of Traffic Facilities Accessibility on Residents’ Travel under Block Scale

Yu Ren, Chunrong Zhao, Juanlin Fu 2020-06-17

The development of urbanization and motorization has changed the way of life of residents. It greatly increases residents’ dependence on motor vehicles, thus causing a series of traffic travel problems. The development of road traffic has become an important research perspective. Especially, the influence of traffic facilities accessibility on residents’ travel is of great significance. Based on the questionnaire and SPSS analysis software, this paper discusses the influence of traffic facilities accessibility on the travel mode and distance of residents under the influence of their individual social attributes. The results show that whether the residents own cars, their occupation and their monthly income have influence on the travel distance. Under the influence of control, the number of bus lines, the number of intersections, the distance from the nearest bus station and the distance from the residents travel are negatively correlated, that is, the more bus lines, the more intersections, the farther away from the nearest bus station, the shorter the travel distance of residents. And the way of residents travel is basically determined by the factors of residents’ social attributes and residents’ travel distance. Traffic construction needs to fully consider the needs of different residents.
