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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


China Economic Quarterly Q3 2020

PWC 2020-12-08

Here are some macro-economic highlights:

GDP growth increased by 4.9% in Q3 and 0.7% for Q1-Q3
Total fixed asset investment reached 44 trillion yuan and went up 0.8% for Q1-Q3
Total real estate investment increased by 5.6% to 10 trillion yuan for Q1-Q3
PMI remained above the threshold of 50% in Q3 and was slightly higher than in Q2 
The growth of industrial added values increased by 1.2% for Q1-Q3
Total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 0.9% in Q3
Imports and exports unexpectedly increased by 7.5% in Q3
PPI decreased by 2.0% and CPI went up 3.3% for Q1-Q3
