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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


A Guide to Extreme Competition with China

Christopher Paul, James Dobbins, Scott W. Harold, Howard J. Shatz, Rand Waltzman, Lauren Skrabala 2021-12-22

The United States might have the capacity and capability to counter China’s influence for now, but China’s rapid rise means that decisions about when and how to compete come with significant or even prohibitive costs. These decisions are also bounded by U.S. and international law, or even just the burden of upholding international norms and standards. China is opportunistic in exploiting these gaps. Volumes have been written on how best to compete with China. The purpose of this report is not to add to the overflowing catalog of policy guidance, strategic directions, and cautionary advice; it is, rather, to offer realistic, actionable policy options that align with U.S. interests but are mindful of the limits of U.S. influence.
