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The Logic behind China’s Common Prosperity and Implications for U.S.-China Relations

최진백 2022-06-29

China, a country with annual per capita income exceeding $10,000, declared that it achieved a moderately prosperous (小康) society to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), but the World Bank classifies China as the world’s most unequal country due to its high Gini coefficient. Chinese President Xi Jinping frequently mentioned “common prosperity” (共同富裕, gongtong fuyu), in 2021, and led the detailed discussion at the 10th meeting of the Communist Party’s Central Committee for Finance and Economic Affairs on August 17. And the detailed visions and strategies were announced in October 2021 through Qiushi, the Communist Party’s official theoretical journal. 

Reasonable income redistribution policies are the essence of the CCP’s push for common prosperity, and the CCP aims to expand the size of the middle-income group . To this end, President Xi expressed his determination to undertake massive efforts at redistribution, underscoring the promotion of common prosperity amid high-quality development.
