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The Sources of Societal Competitiveness How Nations Actually Succeed in Long-Term Rivalries

Michael J. Mazarr 2022-08-16

Leaders and national security officials in the United States have long argued that a dynamic domestic environment is the foundation for American global power. U.S. rivals emphasize the same theme: Chinese officials endlessly repeat a narrative about the decline of the United States (and the West more generally) and the coming transition of global leadership to a Sino-centric East. Yet few analyses have tried to determine just what it means to have a vibrant and competitive society. What characteristics of a nation or society contribute to competitive advantage?

In a 15-month study for the Office of Net Assessment in the U.S. Department of Defense, a team from the RAND Corporation sought to answer that question. A team of researchers reviewed a large body of comparative literature on the fates of nations and societies, conducted country case studies, and reviewed empirical literature on specific issues to identify the characteristics of societies that are consistently associated with national dynamism and competitive position. This brief summarizes the results of the study.
