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Examining North Korea's Military Threat to China

Diana Y. Myers 2022-11-16

Given the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) partnership spanning for over seventy years, conventional wisdom holds that they are ""blood allies."" However, the inherently fragile foundations of the DPRK-PRC alliance are reflected by the PRC stating that it will not allow war or chaos on the Peninsula and will not be coming to Pyongyang's aid in the case where the DPRK initiates conflict with the ROK.

In a future DPRK contingency where the regime amasses one to two hundred nuclear warheads and carries out a major diversionary attack on the ROK in a time of serious instability, Beijing would almost certainly intervene to secure its national interests. Beijing's role as a third-party intervener would probably be adversarial against the DPRK. Kim would thus likely worry that any PRC intervention would pose an existential threat and will be prepared to take strong military action against the PRC. With inferior conventional military forces, Kim would almost certainly be forced to confront the PRC with nuclear weapons to deter or defeat PRC intervention.
