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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


Implications of a Global People's Liberation Army

Stephen Watts, Scott Boston, Pauline Moore, Cristina L. Garafola 2022-12-14

Overseas military access and basing is a critical component of China's global military ambitions. With the opening of its first overseas military facility in Djibouti in 2017, China appeared to take a major step toward global power projection. The strategic implications of such access and basing outside of China's immediate periphery are hotly debated.

In this report, the authors look to the past to help anticipate what Chinese overseas access and basing might look like in the 2030s. They focus on three case studies of overseas military access and basing among the United States' competitors — French bases in francophone Africa during De Gaulle's presidency, Soviet bases ringing the Mediterranean and Red Seas region under Brezhnev, and Russian bases in Syria during the ongoing Syrian civil war — to understand how major powers have conceived of and used strategic basing in the past.
