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China’s Carbon Neutral Strategy and Policy Insights

Jihyun Jung 2023-06-14

Responding to climate change is a major challenge for the international community, and it is a particularly difficult challenge for China, the world's largest carbon emitter and developing country. However, China is pursu-ing a carbon-neutral strategy to use these challenges as opportunities for new development. According to the World Bank report (2022), China's reform policy (i.e. rebalancing the economy from infrastructure invest-ment to innovation, from exports to domestic demand, and from state-led to market-led resource allocation) can significantly lower the cost of Chi-na's climate action. In the global green transition, as China pursues a strategy to maximize its strengths, such as resources, green transition technology, and state capitalism, and expand its global influence, the world economy, including S. Korea, is significantly affected, and the impact can be further expanded.
