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국내외 연구기관에서 발표된 중국 연구 자료를 수집하여 제공합니다.


Scientific and Technological Flows Between the United States and China

Jon Schmid, Nathaniel Edenfield 2023-07-26

Scientific and technological competition has emerged as a front on which strategic competition between the United States and China is contested. Scientific and technological dominance — the prize of this competition — has been recognized as a national priority by high-level leadership from both countries. This dominance can be attained in two primary ways: A country can rely on its domestic scientific and technology innovation resources and activities, or it can leverage foreign scientific and technological assets. The researchers focused on the second approach for this study; in this report, they describe the benefits and liabilities associated with U.S.-Chinese scientific research collaboration. Specifically, the researchers investigated three types of flows between the United States and China: the inflow of U.S. technology inputs into Chinese military technology, the bilateral movement of scientific researchers between the United States and China, and scientific collaboration between researchers based in the United States and those based in China.

게시글 이동
이전글 代际传承与家族企业并购行为 2023-07-27
다음글 2017~2022 호주의 대중정책과 시사점 2023-07-26
