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The Future of Indo-Pacific Information Warfare Challenges and Prospects from the Rise of AI

Russell Hanson, Adam R. Grissom, Christopher A. Mouton 2024-06-11

As humanity increasingly embraces the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) and its capabilities are having profound impacts on all facets of society, including information warfare. This impact is particularly relevant in the Indo-Pacific region, where the rise of AI-powered disinformation and malign information campaigns can pose significant challenges to national security and stability. The People's Republic of China (PRC), with its advanced AI technology and extensive information operations, is a significant factor shaping this dynamic landscape. In this report, the authors address the timely issue of AI-powered information warfare in the Indo-Pacific and its implications for regional and global security. Specifically, the authors delve into the appropriate strategies required for an effective near-term response and mitigation of the potential threats. By examining the PRC's tactics, the authors provide an exploration into the future of information warfare in the region and how defense organizations and their partners can adapt and respond to these evolving challenges.
