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[문학] 리투아니아 근대문학의 형성에 관한 연구

리투아니아 국내연구자료 학술논문 이상금, 서진석 세계문학비교연구 발간일 : 2013-03-31 등록일 : 2018-06-01 원문링크

This article mostly concerns how the basic foundation was established for the modern Lithuanian literature at the threshold of 19th and 20th centuries, and it was also attempted to make a clear conceptualization of Lithuanian Literature which shows a number of dissimilarities in comparison with the neighboring countries - in the questions of the cultural pluralism, the multilingual atmosphere and the geographical boundaries of publication of Lithuanian books. During the transition of centuries when the trend of Romanticism was vigorously vitalized throughout the continent of Europe, due to a special circumstance originated from the ban on Lithuanian press initiated as a consequence of the unsuccessful riot against Russia in 1863, the short stories called apsakymas or apysaka with the similar structure to oral transmitted literature were circulated in Lithuanian prose. This genre is characterized with the realistic property describing the life of people belonging to the repressed social classes as women, orphans, peasants, and is exemplified by the most representative the first generation writers of Lithuanian modern literature such as Žemaitė, Jonas Biliūnas, Lazdynų Pelėda, Vienuolys and so on. The folk poetry called daina in Lithuanian made a huge influence on the formation of structure for the modern short stories. In the poetry, Lithuanian literature has witnessed the number of brilliant works created by talented poets of Romanticism who described the nature and history of Lithuania with elaborated language and expressions, and aroused Lithuanian people suffering from the long suppression into the nationalism.

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