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[사회] Illuminating Shades: A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of a Four-Day Workweek on Subjective Well-being in Hungary

헝가리 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 발간일 : 2024-05-01 등록일 : 2024-06-07 원문링크

This study examines the implementation of the four-day week in a small Hungarian company, using qualitative research before and after the change. By conducting semi-structured interviews with all employees and the CEO, the paper explores, how social, organisational and individual factors influence the ability of employees to improve their subjective well-being through reduced working hours. The results indicate that the effects of mandated schedule changes are less about increased freedom from work and more about the ability to engage in personally meaningful activities. Interviews revealed four dimensions of well-being: temporal harmony, social involvement, advancement and autonomy. While the majority reported improved well-being, particularly in terms of temporal harmony and strengthened social ties, barriers such as misaligned schedules, rigid working hours and limited external support hindered improvements in well-being. The paper also describes the different perspectives of the manager and the employees on the changes implemented. Recognising potential factors and considering different aspects of working time reduction and employee well-being can help organisations use their working time policies to maximise the well-being of their employees in terms of not only the quantity but also the quality of their leisure time. This study adds to our understanding of the impact of reduced working time on individual and societal well-being.

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