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[경제] The embrace and resistance of Chinese battery investments in Hungary: The case of CATL

헝가리 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Asia Europe Journal 발간일 : 2024-05-29 등록일 : 2024-06-14 원문링크

In line with the global trend toward electrification, the focus of recent Chinese investment in Europe has shifted to the field of electric vehicles. The largest and most controversial investment is Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limit-ed’s (CATL) battery factory in Hungary, following its initial success in Germany. Although the Hungarian national government and local authorities unanimously supported this mega gigafactory, it has provoked heated disputes among opposition parties, experts, and local communities. Drawing on over 900 news articles related to CATL published between April 2022 and February 2024, this study examines how CATL’s investment is portrayed in the Hungarian media. Using content analy-sis, I analyzed the overall sentiments of the CATL project by divergent media out-lets with varied political orientations. Using narrative analysis, I further investigated how narratives in the Hungarian media consolidate the support and opposition to the CATL project. The findings shed light on the controversial debate over the case of CATL in Hungary and offer significant implications for Hungary and other inte-grated peripheral countries competing for foreign battery-related investments. More-over, the findings suggest the importance of implementing locally tailored corporate social responsibility initiatives to ensure the successful and long-term development of Chinese investments in the host country.

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